Make Instant Music with AI

Making music can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be difficult. This article will teach you how to make instant music using a few simple tools and a little creativity. What tools are needed? How can you make instant music with artificial intelligence? Whether it's an app or a standalone tool, there are a few essential tools that you'll need in order to get started. Below are some of the most common software and services used for making music: A good sequencer. A sequencer is key for figuring out rhythm and composition on your own, as well as working with other tracks and editing audio/ MIDI files together. While many commercial apps come equipped with this feature, there are also free options available if you're just starting out. How does one create music using AI tools? Creating music using artificial intelligence is becoming more and more accessible, with various tools on the market that allow anyone to create songs without any prior musical experience. There are a ...

Influencer Marketing for Music Artists and Music Creators


If you’re looking to give your new album the biggest boost possible in the shortest amount of time, then you’re looking for a growth hack. A growth hack is any technique that can be used to give an album an instant boost in terms of its visibility and traffic and the best of these can help you to ‘skip’ a lot of the grinding that’s normally necessary for good SEO.

And what is by far one of the best growth hacks is influencer marketing. When done right, influencer marketing can help you to go from 0 weekly views to hundreds of thousands.

Here’s how…

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing essentially means that you are working with big ‘influencers’. An influencer is anyone who has a large audience and very often that will mean someone on YouTube or on Instagram that has managed to amass a large following. These people don’t only have an audience, they also have the trust of that audience and the ability to sway opinion.

Thus, if you can get them to recommend your album or to link to it, then you can find that a large proportion of their audience heads over to your channel and gives you an instant and impressive hike in readership and sales.

Imagine if you could get a link from Tim Ferriss. Just one link from his website, along with his recommendation, would bring you hundreds of thousands of visitors a day, many of whom would probably subscribe on the spot. The SEO benefit would be huge but that would pale in comparison to the gigantic surge in direct traffic and the shares that that traffic would create.

How to Find and Work With Influencers

So how do you find these influencers and how do you get them to post your links for you?
The answer is not to start too big. If you email Tim Ferriss, then chances are that you’re not going to get a response. Likewise, you probably won’t get much of a response if you email someone with a million subscribers, or even 500,000 subscribers.

Instead, aim for someone who is just starting out but who has built something of an audience already. These people will be more flattered by your interest and more likely to respond to you. When they share your link, you’ll then see your own subscribers go up by a few thousand, which puts you in a position to reach a slightly bigger influencer next time.

Better yet though, you should think about creating relationships with people first. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the people you want to work with and if you can, meet in person. This is one reason why networking events are so useful for internet marketers. Another tip is to think about your existing contacts, are any of them influencers who can get you started?

Finally, consider hiring the services of influencers — even just for consultation. Once you do that, you’ll be sure to get an audience with them, which will make them more likely to read your subsequent emails!

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